Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Feet, In the Right Place

Raise your hand if you remember day-of-the-week underdrawers.

I went looking for a picture of the ones I remember all the girls had back in the 1970's, but couldn't find exactly the ones I was hunting for. I think they came from Sears. Never mind -- those of us who know what I'm talking about will remember them without visual aids. I can't remember all the colors, but I think Fridays were black with red lettering, Saturdays were red with black, and for sure, Sundays were white with pink lettering. I don't remember much more than that, other than it was critically important that you have on the correct day at all times, lest you look like (a) you couldn't read or (b) your laundry wasn't getting done.

Sometimes it is helpful to have a little guidance from one's clothing, don't you think?

You may remember my post about socks, and the importance thereof. Shortly after I wrote that I headed out to a local sporting goods store to find some replacements. I knew I wouldn't find my WrightSocks, but I also had some difficulty finding the right Thorlos. I happened on a clump of Nike socks I thought might work well. I've been wearing them for the last week or so, and I'm happy to report I really, really like them.

They are very helpful, too.


Seriously, people -- you cannot get more idiot proof than that. Keeping them on the correct feet is meant to keep them from slipping or bunching up. I'll go with that. Also, each of the three pair in the set I bought has a color theme, and that's actually important, too. This ensures--provided you don't lose a lone sock somewhere along the way--that a pair will enjoy equal wear. Very, very clever.

These have really nice padding at the forefoot (most important to me) and at the heel, and some magic weaving of some sort means they hug the arch of the foot, too. I don't have problems with my arches (yet), so I'm hoping this helps stall that for a bit. They also wick well, which means my feet stay nice and dry. For those who don't like a thicker sock, you'd do well to stay away from these, but I find them to be very comfortable. 

I'll be starting my hunt for a new pair of shoes soon in order to get them broken in before the half, but I believe my sock dilemma is solved now.

As for my "broken" Thorlos? I may have to take up arts and crafts. 

Stupid Sock Creatures: Making Quirky, Lovable Figures from Cast-off Socks

Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. ~~ Abraham Lincoln


Monday, August 8

Total Miles:  4.26
Total Time: 1:05:23
Average Pace: 15:21 per mile

Tuesday, August 9

Total Miles: 3.58
Total Time: 55:51
Average Pace: 15:36 per mile

Wednesday, August 10

Total Miles: 4.38
Total Time: 1:07:55
Average Pace: 15:30 per mile

Thursday, August 11

Friday, August 12

Total Miles: 4.89
Total Time: 1:13:09
Average Pace: 14:58 per mile

Saturday, August 13

Total Miles: 5.01
Total Time: 1:15:14
Average Pace: 15:01 per mile

Sunday, August 14

Total Miles: 6.88
Total Time: 1:49:24
Average Pace: 15:54 per mile

Check out this week's playlists. There are some truly cool links/videos there this week!
There's a link to it on the right-hand column.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Reflecting and Retooling

So, how much did last week's walking fail miserably?

Perhaps when I tell you that when I got home from my walk Saturday morning I was so discouraged that I lobbed my hydration device past my poor, unsuspecting husband's head so hard that it might have actually left a dent in the back of the Boy Scout Troop Trailer that lives in our driveway you might have a clue what the answer to that question might be. 

And Steve Spurrier himself could take lessons from me in the art of the Visor Toss.

I walked inside the house, sat down, kicked the trash can, then had a big fat ugly sweaty cry.


This is so stupid. I'm a Woman of Years. All this "I'm an athlete" thing is such silly bravado. Women a whole lot older than I still look like they are in their 30's because they have always taken great care of themselves, and exercise is something that's always been part of their lives, and they participate in a gazillion race events a year, and know all the lingo and their training logs make mine look so pathetic I'm embarrassed that I ever even put them out there. I'm just a joke.

That's it. I'm done. I'll forget doing the half-marathon and just do the 5K, but only because friends from all the way up in New Jersey have already forked out $$ to be here and participate. 

I ranted. I threw some more stuff. I pouted in the corner like the mature woman I quite obviously am. (I mean, if you go by cellulite and upper arm flap size, I think it's possible I am actually 215 years old.) 

And then I got up Sunday morning, hooked my good old low tech pedometer on my belt, ditched all the music I had downloaded onto my iPod that was designed to help me pick up my pace, and just walked to music that fed my soul in some way, just like I do on all my Sunday strolls.

While I was out there I had an epiphany of sorts. 

When I did the half marathon 2 years ago, it grew out of my just loving to walk. I didn't attempt to train, other than to learn how to stay on my feet for close to that distance without getting bored to death. It just seemed like a cool thing to try. A friend from Michigan flew in and participated with me, and that was neat beyond all reason. 

I pulled a hamstring that day, and continued to be plagued by trouble with it for months. I wanted to do the half again last year, but couldn't. This has been a weird 2011 for me and my family, and somehow doing this half-marathon again got to be SO IMPORTANT, and so much a way of shaking my fist at the various and sundry challenges we've faced, that I lost sight of something pretty fundamental.

I just love walking. 

I am abandoning training for the rest of this month. I'm going to walk for nobody but me, for no reason except that I love it and I feel better for doing it in every way possible.  I'm going to allow my feet to find their own rhythm again. No goals involving distances or times. I'll be tracking them both, and the spreadsheet lives on, but for August, it's just going to be about rediscovering how good it feels just to be out there. 

Nothing to prove. Nothing of which to be ashamed. I was never going to win anything, so I cannot lose

When September rolls around I'll have to set some goals, and develop a plan to help make sure I don't bust a gasket out there during that 13.1 mile walk and I'm already looking forward to looking forward to October 1 again. 


Monday, August 1 
Rest Day

Tuesday, August 2
Distance: 3.31 miles
Total Time: 49:57
Pace:  15:05 per mile

Wednesday, August 3
Distance: 3.32 miles
Total Time: 50:09
Pace: 15:06 per mile

Thursday, August 4
No walk 

Friday, August 5
Distance:  4.26 miles
Total Time: 1:02:36
Pace: 14:42 per mile

Saturday, August 6
Distance: 4.46 miles
Total Time: 1:08:06
Pace: 15:16 per mile


Sunday Stroll, August 7
Distance: 5.21 miles
Total Time: 1:25:11
Pace:  16:21 per mile

I was fixin' to post my playlist, too, but I have been invited to my granddaughter's house for supper, so that can wait. I do hope that, if you're hanging in with me on this blog, that you are at least glancing at that running list (see the tab at top that says playlists?).  I have fun putting them up there, along with links to some of my favorites that you might enjoy, too.  

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Toes Know

Here were my numbers from June.

Total Miles: 85.92 
Total Time: 21 hours, 30 minutes
Average Pace: 15:01 minutes/mile

And from July.

Total Miles: 114.23
Total Time: 28 hours, 9 minutes
Average Pace: 14:47 minutes/mile

(This does not include numbers for my Sunday Strolls.)

I'm pretty happy with that. I had hoped for a slightly better average pace, but it's been a month full of blahs and blechs and mental distractions -- and heat. It happens. We press on.

One of the nicest things about "training" for an event that you know you have no expectation of winning, or even winning in your age division, is that there is no pressure except that from within. I did the half-marathon two years ago, and I know that my pace now is better than it ever was in the weeks leading up to it back then. I also know that whatever my pace averages are going into that first Saturday in October, event adrenaline will kick in and my time will be even better.

The best way to insure that I don't overdo between now and then is to make a conscious effort to back off just a hair for a couple weeks, at least. This means I will either be adding another "stroll" day to my plan, or allowing myself an additional day off. I'm in a really good groove right now, and the only thing that can mess me up at this point would be overdoing and risking a stupid overuse injury. 

Like a sore toe. Which I now have, after my walk on Saturday. I know why it happened -- I was trying to work a sock issue out, and made a really, really stupid decision to double up on them. Because my feet swelled from the heat and the distance, the compression that all generated on the great toe on my left foot damaged that nail bed. I know I'm going to lose that nail -- it's happened before, and it's actually quite painless -- and frankly I wish it would just go on and GO so I don't have to baby it anymore. Such an annoyance.

When do you know you've crossed the line from recreational exercise to something more? There are two indications, I am pretty sure.

Second -- you seriously begin to consider making your first doctor's visit in over a year just to see what can be done to speed up losing a toenail. 


I've got to start shopping for shoes again. The Asics I bought are fine and comfy, but I'm thinking I need to get another pair soon to begin breaking in for the half. I'm afraid the ones I have right now will be too close to the end of their service, and I really have to tell you that I do not look forward to the process of replacing these. I hate to shop for these things, mainly because while I would appreciate some guidance I cannot abide having a salesperson hover. I'm thinking of trying out Montgomery Multisport , although I'm pretty sure their shoes will be a whole lot fancier and more expensive than anywhere else. On the other hand, if I can get a really great fit in a good shoe I know that will pay off in the end. 

You can write this down in indelible ink:  
If your feet ain't happy, nothing else on your body will be.


Monday, July 25
Rest Day

Tuesday, July 26
Total miles: 4.00
Total Time: 58:21
Average Pace: 14:35

Wednesday, July 27
Rest day (unplanned, didn't feel well)

Thursday, July 28
Total Miles: 5.08
Total Time: 1:15:31
Average Pace: 14:52

Friday, July 29
Total Miles: 3.22
Total Time: 49:25
Average Pace: 15:21

Saturday, July 30
Total Miles: 10.07
Total Time: 2:33:58
Average Pace: 15:17

Sunday Stroll, July 31 **
Total Miles: 3.09 miles
Total Time: 50:53
Average Pace: 16:28

** Check out my Sunday Playlist, located at the top of this blog under its own tab.