Monday, August 1, 2011

The Toes Know

Here were my numbers from June.

Total Miles: 85.92 
Total Time: 21 hours, 30 minutes
Average Pace: 15:01 minutes/mile

And from July.

Total Miles: 114.23
Total Time: 28 hours, 9 minutes
Average Pace: 14:47 minutes/mile

(This does not include numbers for my Sunday Strolls.)

I'm pretty happy with that. I had hoped for a slightly better average pace, but it's been a month full of blahs and blechs and mental distractions -- and heat. It happens. We press on.

One of the nicest things about "training" for an event that you know you have no expectation of winning, or even winning in your age division, is that there is no pressure except that from within. I did the half-marathon two years ago, and I know that my pace now is better than it ever was in the weeks leading up to it back then. I also know that whatever my pace averages are going into that first Saturday in October, event adrenaline will kick in and my time will be even better.

The best way to insure that I don't overdo between now and then is to make a conscious effort to back off just a hair for a couple weeks, at least. This means I will either be adding another "stroll" day to my plan, or allowing myself an additional day off. I'm in a really good groove right now, and the only thing that can mess me up at this point would be overdoing and risking a stupid overuse injury. 

Like a sore toe. Which I now have, after my walk on Saturday. I know why it happened -- I was trying to work a sock issue out, and made a really, really stupid decision to double up on them. Because my feet swelled from the heat and the distance, the compression that all generated on the great toe on my left foot damaged that nail bed. I know I'm going to lose that nail -- it's happened before, and it's actually quite painless -- and frankly I wish it would just go on and GO so I don't have to baby it anymore. Such an annoyance.

When do you know you've crossed the line from recreational exercise to something more? There are two indications, I am pretty sure.

Second -- you seriously begin to consider making your first doctor's visit in over a year just to see what can be done to speed up losing a toenail. 


I've got to start shopping for shoes again. The Asics I bought are fine and comfy, but I'm thinking I need to get another pair soon to begin breaking in for the half. I'm afraid the ones I have right now will be too close to the end of their service, and I really have to tell you that I do not look forward to the process of replacing these. I hate to shop for these things, mainly because while I would appreciate some guidance I cannot abide having a salesperson hover. I'm thinking of trying out Montgomery Multisport , although I'm pretty sure their shoes will be a whole lot fancier and more expensive than anywhere else. On the other hand, if I can get a really great fit in a good shoe I know that will pay off in the end. 

You can write this down in indelible ink:  
If your feet ain't happy, nothing else on your body will be.


Monday, July 25
Rest Day

Tuesday, July 26
Total miles: 4.00
Total Time: 58:21
Average Pace: 14:35

Wednesday, July 27
Rest day (unplanned, didn't feel well)

Thursday, July 28
Total Miles: 5.08
Total Time: 1:15:31
Average Pace: 14:52

Friday, July 29
Total Miles: 3.22
Total Time: 49:25
Average Pace: 15:21

Saturday, July 30
Total Miles: 10.07
Total Time: 2:33:58
Average Pace: 15:17

Sunday Stroll, July 31 **
Total Miles: 3.09 miles
Total Time: 50:53
Average Pace: 16:28

** Check out my Sunday Playlist, located at the top of this blog under its own tab.


  1. Congratulations! You have Runner's Toe.
    Don't bother to spend $ on the Dr. - just tape in up to hold it together until it comes off on it's own. And when you buy new runners, pay attention to the toe box and don't be afraid to go a size up.

  2. Kathi, I've lost a toenail before -- just after the last half I did, so it's why I"m not freaking out. Otherwise I would be...

    Oh, and these shoes are up a size -- the issue wasn't with the shoe at all, it was with the doubling up on the socks!
