Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Advice from Mr. Fields?

If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again.
Then quit.
There's no use being a damn fool about it. 
~~ W. C. Fields.

I went out this morning with the intention of doing some intervals over the same route I took yesterday. I decided to use my long-time favorite tracking app -- MapMyWalk -- since I made some adjustments on my iPhone (per their advice) to accommodate some changes they had made. 

I was delighted to see a full-on green light from the GPS, but for some reason my music would not load. Well, fine. I thought I'd see how things went without it so I could add some informed thoughts to the music/no music debate. 

About a half mile or so in I really wasn't feeling great. I wasn't sick, I wasn't hurting, I just couldn't get "invested" in my original agenda. Fine - I'm all about going with the flow -- let's press on.

Having decided to ditch my plan I opted to vary the route a bit, too, just for funsies. At 1.5 miles in, I really, really began to realize that my legs were feeling unreliable, and that I was having trouble with my mind wandering. This is not a good combination. At all.  

I took the next half mile or so more slowly, just to see if I couldn't get my mind and body to get over their feud and play together nicely, but it just wasn't happening.

You might be expecting me to say, then, that I quit, but I didn't. I chose to stop. 

There is a huge difference, and if you've ever spent more than an hour with me, you will know how deeply I believe words matter, how much I believe the ones we use either empower us or dishearten us. 

Was it the cumulative effect of several days of crazy-high humidity? Not having my music?  I think it might have been a combination of both, and probably a million other little things I won't even think about.  Whatever is was, I put some time and effort out there this morning, and that counts.

It's okay to stop, but don't you ever quit.

Today's walk:

Distance: 2.63 miles
Time: 38:16
Pace: 14:33 per mile

Yesterday's walk:

Distance: 4.94 miles
Time: 1:13:06
Pace: 14:48 per mile

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