Friday, July 1, 2011

Fast Food

 Let's just get this out of the way first. 

Another blog? And worse than that.... another "restarted" blog?

Yes. Here's why. I am, admittedly, more motivated to stick with my exercise stuff (which right now includes walking/wogging*) if I know somebody's watching. Sue me. 

I'd been putting my stats up on Facebook, but had a feeling folks were getting weary of seeing that there every day. That's fine -- I get it, because I have felt the same way about the robo-quotes or Farmville, or various and sundry things that my friends post regularly, too. Some of these things you can hide without hiding everything a person posts, but I found out recently that not everybody knows how to do that. 

While I understand that it's entirely possible that it's the entirety of my life that bores my friends enough to hide me (and I'm okay with that -- in fact, I'm okay if you want to trim me from your list altogether. I promise I'll still like you in person), there are a couple of friends who have been wonderful cheerleaders along the way, keeping this FFG ** working hard, and they have asked me recently where my reports are.

SO -- here's a happy medium. I will post this blog a couple times in the public arena (Facebook/Twitter). If you are interested at all in this aspect of my life, subscribe. If you aren't -- that's fine, too. 

Now. That's out of the way, so on to today's report. 

First, June was hot as Hades, and I realized early on that I needed to back WAY off and just get used to the wall of heat and humidity. I set a goal to maintain a 15 minute/mile pace. I'm really happy to report the following stats for June:

Total Miles: 85.93 (21 hours, 30 minutes)
Average Pace: 15:01 minutes/mile

So, yay me a little.

Here we are in July. It's still hot, still oppressively humid in places and times, but I am getting used to it a bit, have my little handheld hydration bottles (more about those in another post), and it's time to set a new goal. I hope to put at least 95 miles under my feet this month, and to maintain an average pace of 14:30 minutes. My plan is to do shorter "speed" outings a couple days a week and to begin to ratchet up the distances at least every other Saturday.

Ooh. It felt kind of good to write that out. 

And what, exactly, does Fast Food have to do with all this?

This morning, I was totally in a good zone. I knew I was putting a nice pace out there, felt more confident pushing a little bit more. During my own personal Rocky moment (right in the middle of a speed interval that I was maintaining a little longer than I'd planned), with my mouth open to maximize oxygen intake, I ran through a gnat convention on Wiley Road.

On the bright side, it helped me get my morning quota of protein in with very little effort.

That's it. Most entries here will not be this long. Lots of stuff I wanted to get out of the way.

Thanks for reading!

* Wog = walk+jog intervals 

** FFG = Former Fat Girl

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