One Thought
My Daddy ran. My Mama played tennis. My brothers played baseball, basketball, football. My sister was always on the move doing something or other. I mostly sat around and read stuff like the encyclopedia, or the dictionary, or, in a pinch, the telephone book. I was not inclined to move when it wasn't necessary -- a conserver of energy, if you will.
The running joke in the family was that whatever task might need doing, if it involved sweat you might as well not call on me. Some would say it wasn't really a joke so much as truth.
I'm still pretty lazy, when you get right down to it. I accept this about myself. It's a sign of maturity.
Another Thought
There are certain scents from my childhood that make me very happy, and remind me of people I loved. One of those is that of Estee Lauder's Youth-Dew, which my Nannaw wore all the time.

So much did I associate my Nannaw with this fragrance, that when my own granddaughter was born I decided I should start wearing perfume again: just pick a fragrance and wear it always so that when she picked up the slightest whiff of it even years after I'm gone, she might remember me and smile.
I've never quite gotten around to that. I'm just not a perfume kind of girl. I prefer unscented everything. Well, that's no help. It will be very hard for Rosemary to get all teary-eyed from memories of her sainted Grandmama only when something has no scent at all.
On the other hand.... we keep her frequently on the weekends, and while her Pop fixes her some breakfast, I'm out on my walk. It's always great to see her sweet face light up when I come in the back door, and she loves for her Grandmama to pick her up and give her a big squeeze.
When I got in from my walk this morning, I realized that she will grow up with a scent memory from me.
You just can't bottle this stuff.
Today's Walk
Total Distance: 4.3 miles
Total Time: 1:03:43
Avg Time Per Mile: 14:49
Pace: 4.1 mph
Love this.. That stuff you can't bottle but what a beautiful glow it gives you! RML will remember her shiny grandmama. Impressive pace my dear - you rock.
ReplyDeleteDitto, I'm not a perfume wearer. I think the kids will probably remember the aroma of 409 when they think of me years hence..!
Oh and FWIW, my darling mum's favourite perfume was Estee Lauder Youth Dew and after all these years I still can't walk past the EL counter in department stores w/o getting seriously choked up even though I recall it was not a scent I was particularly fond of!
You go girl!